Scientists have said the year 2020 was the warmest year across Europe. It set a new record by breaking old temperature records and it indicates a rapid climate change crisis.
The year 2020 saw a hike in temperature by 1.9 degrees Celsius than the average temperature during 1981-2010. According to the State of the Climate 2020 report by the American Meteorological Society, the temperatures in the Arctic in the European region also see a rapid increase.
In 1900, the beginning of the highest record took place. And the reports earlier this year justified 2020 as Europe’s warmest year on record. Moreover, it is amongst the three hottest worldwide.
Climate Scientists Express Concern
Climate scientists have expressed concerns over the current climate crisis. For example, the temperature in Europe was not just 1.9C higher than the long-term average. But it also saw a hike of 0.5C than the earlier high mark.
Dr. Robert Dunn, a senior climate scientist at the UK Meteorological Office, has called the temperature hike a subject of concern. He says the climate crisis is now becoming a severe subject to handle.
It is not just leading to a boom in the overall temperature of the planet Earth. But it leads to many extreme events such as the heat waves and indicates the need to take instant actions on this subject.
Record-Breaking Heat in Europe Indicates Trouble
Many researchers believe the record-breaking heat in Europe is troubling. They say it has created a worrisome situation and everyone must do something to protect the environment.
European temperatures are easily trackable up to the start of industrialization and beyond. Researchers indicate that documentary evidence and proxy records can help everyone understand this perilous hike in temperatures.
Countries namely, Estonia, Finland, and Latvia, see a major difference in high temperatures from the long-term average. And the recording temperatures stand at 2.4C.
Moreover, Europe has witnessed the five warmest years on record since 2014. Additionally, another area, namely the Arctic, sees a hike in the temperature.
The Arctic’s warmth is the highest since the series of records started back 121 years ago. Besides, the 7th year in succession sees a yearly average temperature hike of over 1C.
In 2020, rainfall was not as per the expected level and it indicates sustained heating. Scientists say the addition of moisture also leads to the impact of increased temperatures on humans. They say it is high time everyone takes responsibility to safeguard the environment.