Despite all the advancements and innovations in science and technology, the human race still lags in many aspects. To date, there are several superstitions that have made their place in society and communities across the globe, one of the questions being Are Black Cats Bad Luck? Some of the old-age beliefs have received a scientific explanation which seems to be fair. But the others, like black cat superstition, have no scientific reasons to justify it.
Black cats, since ancient times, had a rough time. Besides getting deemed as ‘witches’ since medieval times, they still get called ‘unlucky’ in the current era. But, how much truth lies in these superstitions? Are black cats bad luck? Or are black cats good luck? Read the article to know.
Types of Black cats
As per the researchers, there are a total of 22 types of feline breeds that are solid black. Still, the blackest of all comes as the ‘Bombay’ – a breed that got artificially created to look like a miniature black panther with yellow eyes and a black nose. These animals are playful, intelligent, and attention seekers.
Black Cat Myths
Almost everyone today has heard about the superstition regarding a black cat crossing the path. The superstition got derived initially in Europe with a tale claiming a black cat crossing the path by moonlight signifies death by a pandemic. There is another common superstition that is popular in Las Vegas. If a person going to the casino sees a black cat crossing the path, they must not go to the casino as the players believe it brings bad luck.
Are black cats good or bad?
The people followed the superstition so blindly that they did not realize the fact that the black cat can also be a good omen. One of the most prominent examples is the early 1900s vintage postcards which clearly show that black cats were highly loved and considered a symbol of good luck in America.
During 3000 BC, the black cats got considered to be of the highest esteem. Trying to harm the cats during that time was considered a capital crime. Throughout history, sailors have believed black cats are lucky. They believed that having a black cat in its shape brings good luck. In fact, some of the sailor’s wives kept black cats at home to influence the safe return of their husbands.
Myths about Black cat adoptions
Although scientific approaches now drive people more, there is still hesitation about black cat adoption. Several people think that they can’t adopt black cats in animal shelters in the US, which is entirely false. The number of Black cats that come to the demand is more than any other color. In fact, people adopt most black cats due to their unmatched charm and beauty.
Keeping all the myths aside, it is clear that the Black cats are in demand because they require love, shelter homes, and care, just like any other cat with charm and charisma.

Black cat Superstitions
In today’s time, you will find a lot of black cats than any other color. This is because the black color gene is highly dominant in felines. So are black cats bad luck? Maybe No!
These innocent souls are beautiful, charismatic, and lovely. Still, most people consider them as a bad omen. Besides, people across the globe still associate several superstitions with black cats. Here are some of them.
1. Black cats are witches in disguise
If you feel scared while seeing a black cat, then it is probably due to the ancient old tale which continues to destroy the reputation of such beautiful and charismatic small cats black cats. Since ancient times, people have associated black cats with witchcraft and black magic. But why are black cats unlucky?
The story of which occurred after a black cat got found running in a home of a witch. Thus, during medieval times, Black cats became an association of black magic. In fact, the Black cats roaming around got thought to be witches in disguise, animal-shaped demons, or the pets of witches sent to keep an eye on the humans.
Whether its 13th century’s Europe or 17th century’s Salem witch trials in Massachusetts, people killed black cats while considering them as witches. Today the Black cats are generally related to anything associated with witchcraft. This is especially prevalent during Halloween. People stay away from the black cats thinking they are some kind of spirit who can harm them. But this, not the reality. Those small animals are harmless.
2. Black cats brings bad luck
People across various cultures think a black cat brings in bad luck and death. This superstition is prevailing from medieval times and this harmless animal with Darfur is often deemed as ravens and crows. This is why the Italians during the 16th century believes that a person would die if a black cat sits on his bed. In fact, despite all the technological advancements, there is still a continuation of North America’s belief about the Black cats.
Once a black cat crosses someone’s path, people consider it as a bit of bad luck. People also believed that another death will happen in the family if anyone sees a black cat nearby during the funeral procession. This means it is bad luck if the black cat walks away from you.
3. Black cats are good luck
Despite all the superstitions and considerations of black cats’ bad omen, various cultures believe black cats to bring in good luck in numerous ways. So are black cats good luck? Maybe yes!
In ancient Egyptian times, black cats were of the highest esteem as they resembled the cat-headed Egyptian God of home, protection, and fertility from disease. Besides this, black cats get considered a lucky charm in various parts across the globe.
- In Asia and UK, owning a black cat or a figurine of a black cat brings luck
- As far as Japan is concerned, spotting a black cat means finding great love
- Within various parts of England, it is believed a bride will have a lucky marriage if someone gives her a black cat as a gift.
- European sailors see safety in travel when they bring a black cat with them
- Across parts of Scotland, you will have prosperity at home when a black cat appears on your door
- French people believe something beneficial will happen for you once you spot a black cat,
- While in other cultures worldwide, black cats got considered a good luck sign, especially when you dream about them or see them walking towards you. So the question is- are black cats bad luck, or are they lucky? Read ahead to get the answers.
Are black cats unlucky?
Spend some time with a black cat, and you will make a friend for a lifetime. But during ancient times, these handsome, dark, and friendly animals became a part of historical and cultural myths, tales, and superstitions which makes them feared. Among all the cultural and historical superstitions, the one associated with black cats is one of the most notorious ones. As they are an ancient long superstition, there is a reason why the Black cats have endured so much hatred. This leads us to the question: Why are black cats unlucky, or why do people consider them to be?
Why are black cats unlucky ?
The black cat has been a target since ancient times. People considered them to be the bewitch agents. Numerous records state the miners and fishermen were encountering a black cat crossing the path while on the way to work and returning out of fear. The sight of a black cat was enough to convince them to put their livelihood on hold.
Despite being booming and unlucky in the public’s eyes, there was a time in history where the black cat was considered a good omen. They felt a black cat walking their way a sign of good luck.
Luckily in today’s time, the fear of witches and other devils has faded, but still, some belief in the black cat superstition and consider it to be black magic and pagan holidays. According to the report of 2013, the number of black animals can outnumber the other colored animals, but they are the highly adopted group. So the next time you see a black cat crossing the path, take it as a good sign and move ahead with your regular work.
But still, there is a stigma about black cats. And that is why every year, 17th of August is celebrated and dedicated to black cats to help dispel this myth.

Why are black cats bad luck?
The Black cats, since ancient times, have been seen with fearful eyes. The people thought that these little animals are associated with the dark world. Here we talk about the various causes or reasons why black cats got considered bad luck.
Prehistoric cat features
History confirms that most humans hate feline animals. During the early times, the cats were large in size and carnivorous creatures, which suggests that the humans have to kill them to survive. Unlike the wolves, humans did not try to pet black cats until later. Moreover, it is the fear from these animals which kept the humans alive and away from them.
- Dark ages and black cat
There stood a superstition around the middle age in Europe where a tale about a man and his son coming across a black cat took a toll. The injured cat went into a women’s house and injured her. When the people saw the woman bruised and limping the next day, they took her as a witch disguised in a cat’s appearance. At the same time, the other theory suggests that during that time, people saw the black cat as a symbol of death and bad luck because of their black fur, which was similar to crows and ravens. People tried to get rid of bad street omen, something that led to the widespread mass killing of cats across Europe.
- Witches and black cats
There came a time when people conducted witch prosecution across Europe. They treated the black cat owners as a master of witchcraft due to their own superstitions and blind beliefs. The people thought the black cats assisted the witches in carrying out their evil deeds, and also, the witches had the potential to transform into black cats to lurk around at night and cast spells on people. Thus, people killed both witches and black cats mercilessly.
Are black cats lucky?
People in Egypt and other countries in ancient times treated black cats as a good omen. It was the European belief that made a scary and dark image of the black cat. But unlike the Western world, the Japanese consider the black cat crossing the path a good sign. Some people keep black cat beds on the Northside of the home to keep away the evil. This then leads to a question are black cats good luck? Here are some of the good black cat superstitions that follow around the world. Take a look to know how they are a sign of good luck across various countries.
- The Black cats bless marriages
According to English traditions giving the bride a black cat as a gift on her wedding day will bring good luck to her marriage. In fact, Newlyweds thought that they will have a happy, long life together as the black cat keeps away all the evil. In most parts of the UK, people considered a black cat to be highly auspicious and lucky.
While according to the Japanese tradition, if you are a single woman looking for a good match, then a black cat will help you get several suitors.
- Black cats draw wealth and prosperity
Maneli Neko or fortune cats is quite popular in Japanese. The people consider these cat figurines with a raised paw to bring good luck, prosperity, and wealth to the owners. Generally, they are in white color, but the lucky ones also come in black. A lucky black cat keeps away the demons, stalkers, and evil energy.
- Black cats keeps homes safe and brings good harvest
Many people in South Asia things the Black cats have got strong power of good. This means if you keep a black cat at home safe and happy, they will do the same for you. If you can’t keep a cat at home, you can consider getting a black cat figurine and place it in the north direction to keep away the bad spirits and energy.
While talking about the demons and good, let’s consider Norse mythology goddess Freya. People worshiped her for love, beauty, and fertility. The goddess used to ride on a chariot pulled by two black cats. To gain benefits and favor from her, the farmers kept bowls of milk for her riders in the field. Following this, Freya would bless the farmers with a good harvest.

- A black cat comes as a good audience
Cats can be a great audience. It is a popular belief in some cultures that no one can be a better audience than a black cat himself. In case a black cat comes into the audience during your opening night, then your play will have a successful and long run with great monetary benefits.
- Black cats lead to treasure
In various cultures, people believed that the black cats bring in fortune not only as good luck but also in terms of wealth. In fact, the French peasants believed that the cat will direct them towards the treasure when they release a black cat on a crossroad with five routes.
- Respecting Black cats bring fortune
In southern France, black cats are popular as magician cats. When you treat black cats with respect and care, like providing with the first bite of dinner, an excellent place to sleep, or home even after the owner’s death, the cat will reward the person with good luck and health.
- Black cats influence the safe travel of the sailors.
The English sailors had a black cat at home to bring in extra wealth. During ancient times, people considered the Black Cats carrying high esteem and luck. It gave the sailors assurance of coming back home safely from the sea.
Given the various traditions and good superstitions followed across the globe in various cultures, it is clear the black cats are not bad omen. They are someone who needs love, care, and comfort just like any other animal.
Do black cats bring good luck?
Despite all the hatred and disbelieves, it is clear that the black cats aren’t unlucky at all. In fact, across the globe, there are numerous cultures and places where people consider black cats as a symbol of good luck and prosperity. They further deem cats as a blessing that can help the owner lead a fulfilling life. So here, check out the ways a black cat is good luck.
- Love
Some people wish never to have black cats crossing the path. But you must know in the Japanese culture; People considers black cat as highly lucky, especially for single women. There is a similar myth in England too. There is a lot of belief that giving a bride a black cat at her wedding will promise a long life of lucky marriage. So if you wish to find yourself a good suitor, you can consider getting a black cat.
- A good omen for the Sailors
While going on the voyage, usually the sailors pack every essential thing like a life jacket, clothes, food, etc. But there is be an addition of a black cat all over Europe. There are numerous stories and tails which mention having black cats are lucky for the sailors. People believed that having a little black cat on board guaranteed the safe travel and return of the sailors. This is why the sailors’ family would often keep a black cat at home as a sign of good omen for the loved one
- Brings prosperity
Although there are still many black cat superstitions, there are many people who believe in Scotland’s long-standing belief, which is when a black cat appears suddenly on your doorway, then it is a sign of future prosperity. In France, people associate black cats with magic, in a good way. As per them, Black cats bring good luck if you take care of them in a good manner.
The most common superstition talks about bringing bad luck when a black cat crosses your path. However, it depends upon the person you are asking. For example, pirates consider approaching cats as a sign of good luck. At the same time, it turns to be a bad omen when the cat turns away from you. Although it is not the most reliable point, people in Ireland and Germany still carry sentiments regarding the look of black cats, depending upon the place you are standing.
Every culture has its meaning and superstitions associated with black cats. Some consider them highly auspicious, while others stay away from them, thinking they are witches in disguise. Not every culture considers black cats to be bad. Some believe them to bring in good fortune. However, despite the acceptance of black cats globally, it is still sad to see how people think of these small beautiful, and caring creatures as bad luck. In reality, the Black cats possess only one supernatural power, which is unconditional affection and love.
Luckily there are people now who do not follow such superstitions and are making black cats a part of their family. Despite this, few people still treat these black cats in a bad manner. We must get out of these ancient long superstitions and start treating the animal just like a sweet and innocent living being.