Fitness is the key to have a good body and mind. Today, people are spending tons of money on gyms to maintain their body. But some people hesitate to join the gym because they are too shy or uncomfortable to work out with others. But there are alternatives like small exercise equipment, using which you can work out at home.
Making a gym at home might look like an investment that will require effort, but it will be worth the money. You need not necessarily have a big space to make a gym at home. There are various equipments you can purchase to get a gym like environment and result at home.
With a simple search, you will find a number of compact home gym equipment you can purchase for your home workout session. With them, you need not have to worry about keeping a separate space as the equipment can fit anywhere. If you want to begin your fitness regime from the comfort of your home, the following exercise equipment can come of great help.
Top Essential Small Exercise Equipment
To make your home compact gym, you can purchase small exercise equipment which won’t require much room. With all the advances in technology, there are equipment’s available that can easily be folded and fit in tight spaces. Here are the top 18 essential ones you can purchase for your small home gym.
1. Treadmills
There are some who entirely avoid the idea of purchasing a treadmill as they think taking a walk outside will be affordable and convenient for them. No doubt, a morning walk can be highly beneficial, but given the changing world scenarios, you can never know what will happen next. Thus, having a treadmill at home will ensure you exercise well while staying inside the home. Although the treadmills are a bit expensive, they are worth the money. You can expect to pay $500 to $1500 for purchasing a highly advanced treadmill. But as a beginner, you can start with a $300 to $500 treadmill. Running on your treadmill at home will be better than going to a gym for your training.
2. Exercise bike
There is an option of a small exercise bike you can purchase for a minimum of $150 to a maximum of $2000. Compared to the price you pay for your gym membership, purchasing the equipment for your home gym will be a better deal.
3. Spinning bikes
They are high-intensity indoor exercise bikes that help tone the muscles. You can make a purchase of this small exercise bike from a renowned brand at the cost of $2,000, but as each bike comes with its built-in features, you can start with a basic purchase of $500. But keep in mind the basic versions do not come with advanced technologies or features.
4. Turbo trainer
If you love cycling, then taking a turbo trainer is highly beneficial. You can make the purchase of the trainer at a minimum cost of $150 and a maximum of $1000. The best thing is that this small exercise bike does not take much space but allows you to ride like an experienced racing bike without exposing yourself to the outdoor elements.
5. Rowing machines
It is one of the best small home gym equipment which will offer you a full-body cardio workout. They are the ones used by the Olympians for maintaining fitness. On average, you can purchase a good rowing machine between $300 to $600. Most of these machines can be easily folded and stored in any place or storage. Thus, there is nothing to worry about small space at home.
6. Cross trainers
Cross trainers are known to offer full-body workout as you have to keep cycling your legs while pushing the device with your hand. Besides this, they are a lot more comfortable than running as you need not have to leave the platform while you exercise. Thus, it greatly reduces the impact on the joints. On average, you can get a cross-trainer between $300 to $700. In contrast, the highly advanced gym standard machines can be bought for over $1000.
7. Dumbbells
They are the most preferred small exercise equipment that are cheap and help in a number of exercises. To purchase good dumbbells, you will have to consider many factors like the material, weight range, shape, etc. You can search online to get detailed information about the equipment. Also, as they are not big, you can easily store them anywhere at home without any hassle.
8. Kettlebells
To have an efficient muscle workout session and improve your cardiovascular fitness, this small home gym equipment is the best. However, as there are various options available, you must research well and consider the pricing of various options to get yourself the best deal.
9. Pull up bars
Although they are the toughest form of exercise, they are efficient in improving and enhance upper body strength. They are the best compact home gym equipment which can easily be fitted inside any doorway and stored away as and when required. Further, they can be bought at a cheap rate of $50 to $100.
10. Suspension trainer
If you have a pole door or ceiling at home which can efficiently take the weight, then a suspension trainer will be the best exercise equipment for small spaces. By suspending more than one trainer in the handles, you can add some stability to all the workout exercises you do. There are numerous renowned brands that offer suspension trainers. You can find them both in a cheap and high-end price range. So consider your budget and other factors before you make a purchase of one.

11. Multi gyms
Using multi gyms, you can take your home workout sessions to a whole new next level. They require a professional setup to ensure you get the best out of the system. Multi gyms combine the functionality of numerous resistance machines in one. This means you can challenge your muscles with adequate weight without any requirement for a supporter. On the minimum range, you can purchase a multi-gym set for $250 to $500. However, for the high-end pieces, you can expect to pay $5000.
12. Resistance bands
It is one of the finest small home gym equipment which you should purchase as they are both cheap and effective for rehabbing injuries, building strength, and improving posture. Besides this, they can easily be bundled up in a small package to keep them away in a wardrobe or other places. You can make a purchase of a good resistance band within $10 to $20.
13. Barbells
Besides a good set of kettlebells and dumbbells, you also need barbells for powerhouse lifts. Although it might look like simple small exercise equipment, they can get technical easily. This is why you must research well to find yourself a suitable model. Generally, there are all-purpose bar lifters available for beginners. While if you are experienced, then you can go for more experienced lifters that are dedicated to a particular discipline. There are a number of hex bars available in which are great for deadlifts.
14. Weight benches
A weight bench is the most suitable gym equipment for various exercises. Thus, having one for your home compact gym will be worth the money. By getting yourself an adjustable gym, you will have more flexibility to store them. Besides this, they allow you to add incline and decline variations for your workout sessions. Thus, with this equipment, you will work your different muscles from varying angles. You can consider purchasing weight benches with a rack as they will be useful if you want to perform heavy bench presses.
15. Medicine balls
By purchasing a medicine ball for your small home gym, you will open yourself to a range of new exercises. Generally, you need to slam the ball on the floor or wall to develop your strength. It is a fun and interesting way of keeping your body fit. But keep in mind you must have a strong floor and wall. You can even consider purchasing slam balls as numerous medicine balls are available with handles intended for moves like the Russian twist.
16. Smith machines
In case you want to perform intensive heavy lifting, then purchasing a Smith machine can be the best. Prefer one with the racking option to ensure you have a good place to perform the lift safely. But remember this small exercise equipment does not come cheap. They can cost you more than $2,000. But it is worth the money as it will offer you a complete home gym setup.
17. Punching bags
A punching bag is one of the most effective and simple exercise tools which can be used regularly to stay fit and strong. Also, the equipment is perfect to take out the anger and calm your frustration. The price of punching bags varies between $50 to $500 or more. It depends entirely on the material and quality of punching bag you want to purchase. Among all leather punching bags are the most preferred choice. Remember to get yourself boxing gloves along with the punching bags, as it will help keep your hands safe during boxing.
18. Exercise Mats
Although they might not seem interesting like the gym equipment’s, they are a must purchase. The mats will help protect the floor from excessive weights and will offer you adequate grip and cushioning. You can purchase a good light-weighted mat for your bodyweight workout for around $50 $100.
19. Nunchaku
This equipment can help in the movement of upper body. When you practice with nunchaku for 10-15 minutes daily, you can get that proper tone in your upper body you were waiting for so long. Though exercise with this equipment is a part of Mixed Martial Arts, it can be a good addition to your daily routine in your home gym.
20. Hand Grip
This is often ignored, but very important exercise equipment that will help strengthen your wrists and grip. Many people often face injuries in their wrists while working with dumbbells or any such heavy equipment. You can easily avoid those injuries when you work on strengthening your grips. These can become a part of your gym or you can even keep them in your room to practice anytime of the day.
21. Skipping Rope
Another most essential equipment for your home gym can be a skipping rope. It doesn’t even take much space. You can hang it at the back of the door of your home gym too. But it contributes a great deal to maintaining the overall fitness of the body.
22. Gym Balls
You can do a lot of exercises and stretching using these aerobic balls. Gym balls help you train in the overall balance of your body. They can become a great addition to your compact home gym.
These were the top small exercise equipment you can consider including in your home gym. With this purchase, you will ensure all your needs are fulfilled, and you need not have to spend money on getting gym memberships. You can perform your workout in the comfort of your home whenever you want.
Benefits of Having a Small Home Gym
When you are a fitness freak, you need not have to go out for your workouts. You can accomplish all your goals right from your home. No matter you want to build good muscle strength or burn the calories to keep your body fit, you can do it all by having a small compact gym at home. Check out the benefit of having a home gym for exercising.

1. Convenience
With the busy and hectic work life maintaining fitness can be a bit challenging. There is absolutely no need to pack your gym bag and drive to a gym to maintain your fitness. You can work out in your pyjamas right at your home by getting adequate exercise equipment for small spaces. The equipment will fit well in your home and offer you the convenience to work out as per your schedule.
2. Flexible and versatile
Nothing can be better than having a committed workout. For this, you need not have to rely on the gyms. You can exercise as per your convenience and schedule. Even when you want to skip workout session during the day and do it at night, you have the opportunity for it. For this, you need to purchase the right equipment and make yourself a small gym at home. Further, with the availability of numerous fitness videos online, you don’t need a trainer to guide you with the process.
3. Availability
In case you have had a gym membership previously, you might have experienced a time when you had to wait for equipment or miss a session because it didn’t fit in your schedule. One of the biggest benefits you will get by having a compact gym at home is the convenience of working out on any equipment you want at any time. This means you won’t lose momentum or focus during your workout sessions.
4. Safe from germs and virus
While working out, people sweat greatly. Those drips can contaminant the equipment’s and other things with germs and bacteria. So, if you wish to avoid getting allergies like cold or flu, then having a home compact gym is the best option to accomplish your fitness goals. No doubt you will sweat at home, but you need not have to worry about getting in contact with the sweat of other people. It will make the situation more sanitary for you.
5. Privacy
Every gym has some fitness enthusiast who jumps to help other people. You might find a chattering woman next to you who keeps on ranting. When you have such people by your side, you will not only lose focus but will get irritated. Thus, it will greatly impact your workout session. So, if you want to have some privacy and enjoy a fitness session without anyone interrupting them, having a small home gym is greatly beneficial.
6. Focus on fitness
While exercising at home, you need not have to cope with all the pressures of being at a gym. You will work out well knowing there is no one to judge you or laugh at your mistakes. Further, you will have the advantage of wearing anything you want while exercising without worrying about it. This means you will have no distractions. Thus, it will help you stay focused during your workout, which will bring the best results.
7. Budget-friendly
Having a home compact gym is one of the greatest ways to save money. Although you will have to make an initial investment to purchase adequate compact home gym equipment, it will be far more affordable than the hefty gym membership fees. Besides this, you need not have to worry about driving all the way to the gym wearing stylish workout clothes. You will have the ease and comfort at home to perform your workout as per your wish. Thus, it will help you greatly in saving money.
Top Compact Home Gym Ideas for Small Exercise Equipment
Having a compact home gym is the most effective way to save money and work out as per your convenience and schedule. You need not have to worry about the availability of small space at home as there are numerous compact home gym equipment that will offer you the best. So, if you want to have a gym at home, here are the top ideas using which you will get a well-established gym that fulfills your entire requirement.

1. Make a home gym in the garage
If your home has a garage that can easily fit two large cars, it is the best place for you to set up a gym. For a compact and effective home gym, you will require 10 x 6 feet space which can easily be found in the garage. But remember to clean the garage and move away all the clutter supplies to the storage unit. By cleaning up things, you will get more space and a clean environment to begin your workout sessions.
2. Keep aside a bedroom corner for your gym
Generally, people have some space in their bedroom. You can consider removing furniture or two from the bedroom to make enough space for putting up basic home gym equipment. It will be highly beneficial if you have a ground floor bedroom at home. They are the best for setting up compact home gym as you need not have to worry about heavy exercise equipment, which can be too noisy. For the upper floors, you can consider getting simple weights for exercising.
3. Set up your gym in the attic
Consider taking a look around the home to find the available spaces. In case you have a basement or attic which isn’t used much, then you have the potential to build a compact home gym there. Just purchase the right small exercise equipment’s, and you will be able to have your workout sessions at your home. Some people even consider establishing their gym in the free sections available in the living room. This means you must find the space that isn’t used much to get the best home gym setup.
4. Use available space at home and try intervals
When you don’t have available space at home to put up adequate gym equipment for various workouts, you can try the interval method. For instance, you can put up free weights, a set of burpees, jump ropes. By taking intervals in using the workout equipment’s, you will raise your heart rate and efficiently burn more calories than the traditional methods. Thus, they offer a great whole-body training and workout option.
5. Set a Pull-up bar for your DIY gym
In case you have a nearby doorway, then setting up a pull-up bar will be highly efficient. They are not only safe to use but will also offer you the flexibility to perform various full exercises, which will be great for upper body strength and back. Also, you can consider installing them in your basement.
Tips for Choosing the Best Small Exercise Equipment
There are a number of people who don’t like to go to a gym for workout sessions. After all, there is no necessity to visit a gym to maintain your body. There are various options and equipment’s you can consider to start your fitness regime in your home. You can look up fitness videos online and continue your workouts efficiently. However, due to the availability of a big list of equipments, purchasing the best one for your small home gym can be difficult. So here are some tips that will help you purchase the best workout equipment’s for small spaces.
1. Set up a budget
To begin with the process of finding appropriate home exercise equipment’s you must set up a budget. Having a predetermined budget will reduce the number of options and help you make a purchase easily and efficiently. Also, it will ensure you do not spend extra money for purchasing the equipment’s.
2. Know your workout preference
Before going out to purchase home gym equipment, you should know your workout preference. This means deciding if you want to do weight lifts or practice yoga for your fitness. If you wish to meditate, then purchasing a yoga mat will be the best. While for losing weight purchasing the equipment’s that boosts cardiovascular exercises will be beneficial.
3. Consider the space
Before you purchase exercise equipment for a small space, you must measure the area you have in your home that you can dedicate to a home gym. It is a great idea and will help ensure you get yourself the equipment that fits your space well.
4. Take trials
Before making a deal, it is beneficial to try all the equipment’s. While trying out, consider the pros and cons of the particular equipment. Also, you must see if you are comfortable using the equipment. If not, look for the other options.

5. Consider your fitness goal
While looking for home gym equipment’s you must know your fitness goal. For instance, for being physically strong, you should purchase muscle-building equipment. While for losing those extra calories, purchasing a treadmill will be beneficial. So you should purchase the fitness equipment that fits your fitness goal.
6. Consider the price of small exercise equipment
There are both high-end and basic home gym equipment for varying requirement, for varying requirement . So, before you make the purchase consider both of them to see if you can receive desired results from a basic option. This will ensure you save money and get the best for your home gym.
Other factors to consider
• Research is the key to find adequate home gym equipment’s for your fitness requirement. There are numerous workout equipments available that comes with multiple functionalities. Thus, you must look for equipment that fits your daily workout routine and saves you money and space.
• When looking for home gym equipment, consider purchasing yoga mats and exercise balls as they are the most basic equipment that will offer you great benefits. By watching videos online, you can begin your fitness regimen to achieve the goal easily.
• Before going out for purchasing, you must decide the workout form you are interested in. This is because different workout types offer different benefits. For instance, aerobics is great for boosting metabolism, losing weight, boosting heart rate, and increasing stamina. While the weight-bearing exercises help tone the muscles of the body. It is your specific requirement which you must consider for the purchase. It will guarantee you get the best for your requirement.
Getting quality home gym equipment’s today is not a tough job. There are a variety of options one can consider to build themselves a good and reliable compact home gym. Although it will require investment at first, you will gain great benefits from it. Your home gym will offer you the convenience and comfort of working out as per your requirement and schedule. Further, you need not have to worry about paying those hefty gym membership fees, where you have a specific time to perform the workout. It is thus clear getting yourself a home gym will be highly beneficial as it won’t only fit in a small space but will also help you save money in the long run.